Tak Mau Dimadu itu adalah judul lagu D'mantans. Grup musik yang terdiri dari Okie Agustina (mantan istri Pasha Ungu), Ratna Damayanti (mantan istri Rizki The Titans), Bunga (mantan istri Andika Kangen Band), Five Vi (mantan istri Henry Yosodiningrat), dan Christie Chasslam (mantan pacar Khrisna Mukti).
Foto Syur Nadila Ernesta
Foto Nakal Nadila Ernesta kini beredar di internet. Tidak tanggung-tanggung dalam foto nakal Nadila Ernesta bahkan mengenakan atribut polisi.
Dalam foto-foto Nadila Ernesta yang beredar tersebut dia tampil hanya memakai bikini dan mengenakan topi polisi. Pada foto tersebut dia juga terlihat berpose dengan seorang pria yang memakai kaos hitam.
Dalam foto-foto Nadila Ernesta yang beredar tersebut dia tampil hanya memakai bikini dan mengenakan topi polisi. Pada foto tersebut dia juga terlihat berpose dengan seorang pria yang memakai kaos hitam.

Ernesta Nadila bikini photos that circulated widely on the Internet to this day no one has to discuss it because it's not something that is not visible in photo hot wajar.Tampak Ernesta Barbie in a party atmosphere somewhere in the house who shared his kawannya.Terkait with some party photos Ernesta Barbie is still no definite explanation who perpetuate these moments.
Perhaps for those of you who are curious about bikini photos Nadila Ernesta at an event this evening wondering how the hell a beautiful star asoy ini.Nah, on this occasion I show photos of hot Barbie Ernesta which can be seen disini.Secara details about the location where the photo Ernesta Barbie party is still a thorough search for the netter in the entire archipelago.
Seen in the photo bikini Barbie Ernesta wear black and are very pleased to enjoy being with my friends at an edge of a swimming pool with night time hari.Seperti you will see for yourself that this Ernesta Barbie party photos on a degree in an atmosphere of gloom and so many cigarettes and beverages in the title in the event of hot Barbie Photo tersebut.Kelihatannya Ernesta is intentionally in immortalized by one of his friends in that atmosphere.
Perhaps for those of you who are curious about bikini photos Nadila Ernesta at an event this evening wondering how the hell a beautiful star asoy ini.Nah, on this occasion I show photos of hot Barbie Ernesta which can be seen disini.Secara details about the location where the photo Ernesta Barbie party is still a thorough search for the netter in the entire archipelago.
Seen in the photo bikini Barbie Ernesta wear black and are very pleased to enjoy being with my friends at an edge of a swimming pool with night time hari.Seperti you will see for yourself that this Ernesta Barbie party photos on a degree in an atmosphere of gloom and so many cigarettes and beverages in the title in the event of hot Barbie Photo tersebut.Kelihatannya Ernesta is intentionally in immortalized by one of his friends in that atmosphere.

Police Headquarters Barbie Ernesta artist regretted that pose challenges in the dressing all in black bikini while wearing a police hat.
Head of Public Relations Division Police Inspector-General Anton Bahrul Alam was disappointed. "We regret there are artists who wear hats police organization," he said at Police Headquarters, Monday, May 23, 2011.
Previously, circulating photographs of brave Barbie. In some photographs, the film star looks wearing a black bikini and wearing a police hat. Barbie is not alone in the photo. He was accompanied by a number of fellow men and women.
Anton said the company is still investigating whether Barbie cop hat or deliberate use of engineering hand photo was ignorant who want to work on Barbie. "It could Croping and paired," he said.
To decide follow-up on Barbie, Anton even coordinate with the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Police Commissioner-General Ito Sumardi. Later, it will be decided whether the subject article Nadila police harassment institution or any other article.
Head of Public Relations Division Police Inspector-General Anton Bahrul Alam was disappointed. "We regret there are artists who wear hats police organization," he said at Police Headquarters, Monday, May 23, 2011.
Previously, circulating photographs of brave Barbie. In some photographs, the film star looks wearing a black bikini and wearing a police hat. Barbie is not alone in the photo. He was accompanied by a number of fellow men and women.
Anton said the company is still investigating whether Barbie cop hat or deliberate use of engineering hand photo was ignorant who want to work on Barbie. "It could Croping and paired," he said.
To decide follow-up on Barbie, Anton even coordinate with the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Police Commissioner-General Ito Sumardi. Later, it will be decided whether the subject article Nadila police harassment institution or any other article.

In most roles played, the artist Ririn Setyarini always appear with sensual imagery. Not afraid of a negative impact in everyday life? Apparently not. Stars 'Goyang Karawang Souls' was admitted to not fear being labeled as a bad girl.
"Ya want how again, I've sustenance there. If people want to talk about what, I do not need to fear. Let the people closest to me and God knows I was like," he said in a conversation with detikhot in STC Senayan, Jakarta , on Thursday (19/05/2011).
Women born in Manado, March 23, 1989 was admitted to not fear the scorn of society, because of bad image of the display of only the demands of the scenario was to play. But why always gets sexy roles that spoil the eyes of men?
Ririn confidently say, partly because of her sexiness and her breast size is somewhat large. "Many say that. One of the advantages I did in the chest. Try to guess this size is how much?" bra size 36B owners challenged it with a laugh.
Not a few women who claimed uncomfortable having a large breast size when it was still the age of adolescence. However Ririn are grateful, because he thought the size of his chest is still within reasonable limits until now.
"I feel I'm big breasts, but still within reasonable limits. It is like people I see that her breasts Animashaun, I also do not like. If I'm not big-big, paslah this hour," he said, laughing.
Although often appearing with sexy image, movie stars 'Satan Kok Beneran' it claimed had the support of parents.
"They knew that this child was acting and that certainly was looking for money. I did not play pornographic films, is still within reasonable limits. The parents I still support aja kok, 'he explained.

In most roles played, the artist Ririn Setyarini always appear with sensual imagery. Not afraid of a negative impact in everyday life? Apparently not. Stars 'Goyang Karawang Souls' was admitted to not fear being labeled as a bad girl.
"Ya want how again, I've sustenance there. If people want to talk about what, I do not need to fear. Let the people closest to me and God knows I was like," he said in a conversation with detikhot in STC Senayan, Jakarta , on Thursday (19/05/2011).
Women born in Manado, March 23, 1989 was admitted to not fear the scorn of society, because of bad image of the display of only the demands of the scenario was to play. But why always gets sexy roles that spoil the eyes of men?
Ririn confidently say, partly because of her sexiness and her breast size is somewhat large. "Many say that. One of the advantages I did in the chest. Try to guess this size is how much?" bra size 36B owners challenged it with a laugh.
Not a few women who claimed uncomfortable having a large breast size when it was still the age of adolescence. However Ririn are grateful, because he thought the size of his chest is still within reasonable limits until now.
"I feel I'm big breasts, but still within reasonable limits. It is like people I see that her breasts Animashaun, I also do not like. If I'm not big-big, paslah this hour," he said, laughing.
Although often appearing with sexy image, movie stars 'Satan Kok Beneran' it claimed had the support of parents.
"They knew that this child was acting and that certainly was looking for money. I did not play pornographic films, is still within reasonable limits. The parents I still support aja kok, 'he explained.


After Daniel Mananta make a clarification about the alleged breast touching Syahrini, now comes a video titled Wild! Video Daniel Syahrini.
Whether it is a hot video Syahrini with Daniel? Oops, it was not. The video is a parody of Adolf Hitler film. The video contains a clarification Daniel was quite creative and inviting laughter.
Search Legal, Thursday (19/05/2011), video duration 4 minutes 16 seconds was uploaded to the site Youtube by someone with an account MrMananta. In the opener, there is the title of Daniel / Syahrini, Daniel's Apology.
Video starts with a scene containing a conversation that was translated into Indonesian (of course, this is not a translation of the original film's dialogue), on the phenomena duet Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty Determining Heart.
In the video, Hitler said, "It seems this issue have been greatly exaggerated. Syahrini I like it with the all round". Welcomes the recognition that Hitler liked Syahrini, the scene went into the conversation about Daniel Syahrini suspected breast squeezing.
Hitler looked angry. With trembling hands he opened his eyes and asked for his men in the room which is a First Brigadier Norman fan, Shinta-Jojo, and Ridho Rhoma-holic to exit the room. This dialogue is very creative and inviting laughter of people watching.
Video contains a clarification that began to reach a climax when Hitler said photo of Daniel squeezed her breast Syahrini just nonsense and cheap gossip.
"You all feel you are as smart as Roy Suryo time yah?! VJ Daniel just put his hand in front of the chest Syahrini, does not mean he 'meremas'nya!," Spat Hitler.
At the end of the video, appeared Daniel Mananta utter apology about the circulation of her picture with Syahrini. Also also inserted photos of Daniel and Syahrini who already make a scene that. Funny thing is, there is one photo where the face-to-face Syahrini replaced Paris Hilton. There are also photos of Daniel embrace Anand with the position of his hand across his chest Anand (similar to Daniel pose with Syahrini).
The video was uploaded to Youtube on May 18, 2011, and until Thursday afternoon has been viewed 301 times, with 33 people who like and a person who does not like the video
Whether it is a hot video Syahrini with Daniel? Oops, it was not. The video is a parody of Adolf Hitler film. The video contains a clarification Daniel was quite creative and inviting laughter.
Search Legal, Thursday (19/05/2011), video duration 4 minutes 16 seconds was uploaded to the site Youtube by someone with an account MrMananta. In the opener, there is the title of Daniel / Syahrini, Daniel's Apology.
Video starts with a scene containing a conversation that was translated into Indonesian (of course, this is not a translation of the original film's dialogue), on the phenomena duet Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty Determining Heart.
In the video, Hitler said, "It seems this issue have been greatly exaggerated. Syahrini I like it with the all round". Welcomes the recognition that Hitler liked Syahrini, the scene went into the conversation about Daniel Syahrini suspected breast squeezing.
Hitler looked angry. With trembling hands he opened his eyes and asked for his men in the room which is a First Brigadier Norman fan, Shinta-Jojo, and Ridho Rhoma-holic to exit the room. This dialogue is very creative and inviting laughter of people watching.
Video contains a clarification that began to reach a climax when Hitler said photo of Daniel squeezed her breast Syahrini just nonsense and cheap gossip.
"You all feel you are as smart as Roy Suryo time yah?! VJ Daniel just put his hand in front of the chest Syahrini, does not mean he 'meremas'nya!," Spat Hitler.
At the end of the video, appeared Daniel Mananta utter apology about the circulation of her picture with Syahrini. Also also inserted photos of Daniel and Syahrini who already make a scene that. Funny thing is, there is one photo where the face-to-face Syahrini replaced Paris Hilton. There are also photos of Daniel embrace Anand with the position of his hand across his chest Anand (similar to Daniel pose with Syahrini).
The video was uploaded to Youtube on May 18, 2011, and until Thursday afternoon has been viewed 301 times, with 33 people who like and a person who does not like the video

Daniel Mananta convey an apology to the public for the circulation of photographs of exciting Syahrini involving Daniel.
"To the community, friends, and all who support me, I apologize for this misunderstanding. What is certain in the photograph I have never done improperly. I did not touch at all the parts that should not be touched," said Daniel in press conference in Grato Cafe, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (18/05/2011).
According to Daniel, the photos taken three years ago was in a cafe in Surabaya, is a fun photo. Daniel deliberately stylish touches like breast gokil singer from Bogor. Recognized former MTV VJ, his hands were large. While the body of cute little Syahrini so impressed with Daniel's hand squeezing chest Syahrini.
"We joined and our photos. Photos that I dare to promise (oath) was angelnya, my hands are big and small Syahrini body. The hand I really look fit. I dare to promise (oath) I do not touch any part or chest Syahrini, "Daniel said, raising his fingers to form the symbol 'V'.
Daniel joined dragged in photo case Syahrini exciting because there are a few photos of Daniel with Syahrini with his hands as if squeezing breasts poses

Syahrini make public eyes widened to see the photos at once hot with younger managers, Aisyahrani (Rani). Hot pose Syahrini and Rani remind the public with Azhari sisters, namely Ayu, Sarah, and Rahma.
It was common knowledge, Ayu sisters, Sarah, and Rahma Azhari frequent indulgence in beauty body through sexy pose in a number of photographs. Still recorded clearly in the public memory, photos Sarah and Rahma was taking a shower in the shower the appalling mass media in late 2008.
Not after the shower scene photo, Rahma again make a scene with the emergence of hot photos that later revealed as a piece of movie scenes Pocong Next Room. There are also photos Rahma in the jacuzzi was a kiss with a male Caucasian. Photos with Caucasians was actually an old photograph, but recalled after circulating photos Rahma with the Philippine national team coach Simon McMenemy at a place of entertainment tonight.
Her sister, Ayu Azhari also been a sensation with the emergence of hot videos in the shower with bule man.
Yes, Azhari family did not escape the sensation. Despite frequent controversy, Ayu, Sarah, and Rahma as already immune. They are still trying to exist in the universe of entertainment. Additions to form the Trio Angel.
Goes wild furor clan Azhari photo scandal began to fade. Now in mid-2011, the brothers were photographed Syahrini and Rani. Bogor singer who is also a former friend Anang Hermansyah duet that makes tantrum with a circulation of exciting photos with Rani. At first nobody thought it could pose brothers so hot.
The first time the photos were stomping the virtual world on Saturday, May 14, 2011. In some photos Syahrini posing with several artists like Daniel Mananta and Barry Manilow.
With men like Daniel, Syahrini seen embraced just below her left breast. Similar Pose apparent when Syahrini with men like Glenn. They sat in a chair with Syahrini leaned on Glenn. Glenn's right hand crossed over the chest singer from Bogor.
Other photos show women like Rani kissing on a bed with a man. There are also photos with style ala Rani ABG showed her breasts. In another photo, the artist who reportedly often clubbing it was posing with two women about to kiss.
This is not the first time the issue was rocked Syahrini hot photos. Previously, penembang Unusual that I also never make a scene because it posed intimate with a man named Antoine Nuna Caucasians who later recognized as a friend.
Related circulation of photos that are recognized as private collections and dijepret approximately year 2008-2009, the Syahrini through its legal counsel, Warsito, has complained to police. Actors spread which claimed it would have already known Syahrini snared article 45 paragraph 1 of Act No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transaction, with a maximum penalty of six years in prison.
It was common knowledge, Ayu sisters, Sarah, and Rahma Azhari frequent indulgence in beauty body through sexy pose in a number of photographs. Still recorded clearly in the public memory, photos Sarah and Rahma was taking a shower in the shower the appalling mass media in late 2008.
Not after the shower scene photo, Rahma again make a scene with the emergence of hot photos that later revealed as a piece of movie scenes Pocong Next Room. There are also photos Rahma in the jacuzzi was a kiss with a male Caucasian. Photos with Caucasians was actually an old photograph, but recalled after circulating photos Rahma with the Philippine national team coach Simon McMenemy at a place of entertainment tonight.
Her sister, Ayu Azhari also been a sensation with the emergence of hot videos in the shower with bule man.
Yes, Azhari family did not escape the sensation. Despite frequent controversy, Ayu, Sarah, and Rahma as already immune. They are still trying to exist in the universe of entertainment. Additions to form the Trio Angel.
Goes wild furor clan Azhari photo scandal began to fade. Now in mid-2011, the brothers were photographed Syahrini and Rani. Bogor singer who is also a former friend Anang Hermansyah duet that makes tantrum with a circulation of exciting photos with Rani. At first nobody thought it could pose brothers so hot.
The first time the photos were stomping the virtual world on Saturday, May 14, 2011. In some photos Syahrini posing with several artists like Daniel Mananta and Barry Manilow.
With men like Daniel, Syahrini seen embraced just below her left breast. Similar Pose apparent when Syahrini with men like Glenn. They sat in a chair with Syahrini leaned on Glenn. Glenn's right hand crossed over the chest singer from Bogor.
Other photos show women like Rani kissing on a bed with a man. There are also photos with style ala Rani ABG showed her breasts. In another photo, the artist who reportedly often clubbing it was posing with two women about to kiss.
This is not the first time the issue was rocked Syahrini hot photos. Previously, penembang Unusual that I also never make a scene because it posed intimate with a man named Antoine Nuna Caucasians who later recognized as a friend.
Related circulation of photos that are recognized as private collections and dijepret approximately year 2008-2009, the Syahrini through its legal counsel, Warsito, has complained to police. Actors spread which claimed it would have already known Syahrini snared article 45 paragraph 1 of Act No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transaction, with a maximum penalty of six years in prison.
Foto Skandal Syahrini dan Aisyahrani
Beberapa Foto skandal Syahrini dan adiknya Aisyahrani berdasarkan hasil penelusuran sana-sini setelah mendengar berita tentang Foto skandal Syahrini
Silahkan dicermati apakah Foto Hot Syahrini ataupun Aisyahrani ?
Silahkan dicermati apakah Foto Hot Syahrini ataupun Aisyahrani ?

In a First Brigadier Norman kiss photo looks middle intimate with a woman. Images similar to First Brigadier Norman kiss was originally circulated in kaskus forum site, and then made headlines in many online news portal site of Indonesia.
From the recognition site users kaskus with the account name Follower, he gets a kiss photos of Norman First Brigadier Facebook account. Photograph itself in kaskus have been circulating since last May 3, 2011.
Top circulation of the photo, blasphemy once flowed to kaskus First Brigadier Norman. While today the Police Headquarters also mentioned will investigate and mongonfirmasi directly to the First Brigadier Norman about the photo.
"We will see first. We will check first, what is true or engineering. It could also later we will confirm to the person," said Chief of Police Public Information Commissioner Joey Boy Amar, as quoted from kompas.com Karo Cyber.
Boy, who had seen the photograph that depicts a man kissing a woman, asked all parties to look at this objectively. Not necessarily find fault anggotaPolri, such as First Brigadier Norman. "It needs further investigation, engineering or not. Do not be talking about sanctions," he said.
From the recognition site users kaskus with the account name Follower, he gets a kiss photos of Norman First Brigadier Facebook account. Photograph itself in kaskus have been circulating since last May 3, 2011.
Top circulation of the photo, blasphemy once flowed to kaskus First Brigadier Norman. While today the Police Headquarters also mentioned will investigate and mongonfirmasi directly to the First Brigadier Norman about the photo.
"We will see first. We will check first, what is true or engineering. It could also later we will confirm to the person," said Chief of Police Public Information Commissioner Joey Boy Amar, as quoted from kompas.com Karo Cyber.
Boy, who had seen the photograph that depicts a man kissing a woman, asked all parties to look at this objectively. Not necessarily find fault anggotaPolri, such as First Brigadier Norman. "It needs further investigation, engineering or not. Do not be talking about sanctions," he said.
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